אנו מתרגשות לארח את לורן אוחיון אשר תעביר שני שיעורים וסדנא בנושא:
Sthiram and Sukham: Exploring inner support and alignment
In this workshop, students will explore sthiram – steadiness/effort and sukham – ease/comfort as it relates to our bodies in practice. We will look at perceptions of alignment and support and how it affects our intentions and boundaries and conversely, how our intentions and boundaries affect our inner alignment and support. We will examine different part of our body in the context of sthiram, sukham, alignment and support and Lauren will give practical suggestions on utilizing the body logically in order to restore balance and maintain functionality
Lauren – Lauren recently moved back to New York City from Tel Aviv where she founded Chandra Yoga. Her classes focus on inner support and tension release. Lauren has studied Ashtanga, Iyengar, and Viniyoga but does not adhere to any one style, teaching instead from her own experiences with injury and personal growth. Lauren has been practicing yoga since 1996 and teaching since 2001.
תאריך הסדנא: יום שבת ה-30/6 בין השעות 16:00 – 19:30
תאריכי השיעורים: 4/7, 10/7 בין השעות 18:00 – 20:00
עלות השיעורים: 60 ₪, 50 ₪ למנויים
עלות הסדנא: 100 ₪, 90 ₪ למנויים
אנא הירשמו מראש – מס' המקומות מוגבל.
אשתורי הפרחי 4 ת"א 03-5464045